Hi there,
sorry for being so quiting for the last weeks, but this one really took my attention away.
I've been working on a new version of the custom dialog gui for the last couple of weeks and I think now it's done.
The background for this is, that I've played Broken Sword on the DS (I only find time to play on the train) and really really liked the dialog-thing. Usually I find dialog puzzles quite annoying, because most amateur adventures don't have entertaining dialogs. But even in DOTT or MI I usually click them away (okay, because I've read them many many times before;) ).
So, what's different with icon based dialogs?
- It fits a graphic adventure better
- Talking about inventory items makes more sense. It also makes it a little harder, because you can always ask about all your items
- Nice decision based dialogs like: Thumbs up / Thumbs down or Bad Player / Good Player etc.
Here are some screenies: