: New team member: please welcome Helme! : abstauber September 10, 2009, 09:22:29 AM Today I'd like to announce the newest addition to our round: Helme!
Helme is here to create some neat puzzles, as he already did in his games: DeadMead and DeadMead. In case you haven't played them yet, those puzzles are really entertaining (and hard to solve) :) If you like to tell something about yourself, don't hesitate ;D : Re: New team member: please welcome Helme! : Ben304 September 11, 2009, 12:37:06 AM Hey and welcome, Helme 8)
This little team keeps on getting bigger! : Re: New team member: please welcome Helme! : Creyze Shattbot September 14, 2009, 11:06:08 AM Why - hello Helme, nice to meet you again! How's the translation of Cold Meat going?
: Re: New team member: please welcome Helme! : helme September 15, 2009, 06:10:32 PM Well, I hope I can help with some good puzzles.
Right now I'm working on another MAGS-Game, so I'm a bit busy until I finish it. After that I will concentrate on Shatten Reyze. At the moment I'm a bit confused, because I don't know much about the story, yet. : Re: New team member: please welcome Helme! : abstauber September 15, 2009, 06:11:24 PM Tomorrow morning. Details, Promised 8)