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Archives => General Discussion Archived => : abstauber July 13, 2009, 01:15:49 PM

: Dissolve Module
: abstauber July 13, 2009, 01:15:49 PM

I've already written some stuff about this module on the game's homepage. If you want to use it too, please feel free (@Ben: I could imagine, that those effects fit pretty well in your "interactives")

The code is still quite dirty, but the usage is easy:
// dissolve the object oThing

// dissolve the character Bman

There's also an awful configuration function ;)
(but it's totally optional)
setParamDissolve (int height, bool ordered=true, DissolveMode mode=eDissolveForward, DissolveStyle style=eDissolveFadeToNone,  bool trace_visible=true, int theDelay=1, int theSpeed=1, DissolveJitterStyle jitterStyle=eDissolveJitterRandom, int px_at_time=1)

int height = how high should the dissolved pixels fly
bool ordered  = should the sprite be randomly dissolved or from top to bottom
DissolveMode mode= should the sprite be dissolved or resolved
DissolveStyle style =  the way the pixels get tinted or blended
bool trace_visible= should the dissolving pixels be shown at all
int theDelay= how fast should the sprite be dissolved (higher = slower)
int theSpeed = the moving speed of the dissolved pixels (higher = faster)
DissolveJitterStyle jitterStyle = the way the dissolving pixel move
int px_at_time= how many pixels at a time are to be dissolved

Unfortunately you can only dissolve one thing at a time.

: Re: Dissolve Module
: Ben304 July 13, 2009, 02:28:35 PM
A very kind offer.

Unfortunately I didn't have this earlier (as the Interactives have come to an end and you should see a new game in the database at some point this week - don't tell anyone ;)), but I have something in the works that this might do very nicely for ;).

I'll definitely play around with it :D

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