ShattenReyze - Forum

Public => General Discussion => : abstauber July 02, 2009, 11:29:00 AM

: This place is not deserted ;)
: abstauber July 02, 2009, 11:29:00 AM
Don't be misguided by the fact that this forum appears rather empty. 
Most of the stuff is hidden in the development section, so we don't spoil all the fun ;D

But your still welcome to chat about this and that.

: Re: This place is not deserted ;)
: Creyze Shattbot July 06, 2009, 01:28:33 PM
Boy, if you knew what cool conversation we are having in the secret developers forum, you'd want to start developing, too...

: Re: This place is not deserted ;)
: Peder Johnsen July 15, 2009, 09:37:23 PM
Aww thats not fair :(.

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