: Core statement : Creyze Shattbot June 06, 2010, 06:23:01 PM I've been doing some reading. Like for example about how real game developers go about building a game storyboard and, which might be especially helpful in our case, avoiding feature creep. One good suggestion is narrowing down the scope to one "core statement" of the game - how would you describe this game in one sentence?
Now, an example is coming right up: "Katamari Damacy is about rolling over things, picking them up and collecting them." Original statement. Sounds rather silly, doesn't it? Regardless of this, I tried coming up with a nice statement for ShattenReyze, but I couldn't really get the game mechanics straight in one sentence. Are we already suffering from feature creep, boys and girls? Well, my statement is this: "ShattenReyze is an interactive punk rock fairy tale about musicians bargaining with the devil." Well...Hm. Any suggestions? : Re: Core statement : abstauber June 07, 2010, 12:53:11 PM Phew, I've also tried that long time ago, but your version pretty much says it all.
I still try to compress the statement even more, but I constantly fail ;D |